Thursday, July 27, 2017


The trip I didn't go on . . .


  1. Oh wow, cute... Hey, if you're gutted to have missed out, lambing starts at home in a month, feel free to visit!!! I think you know Lydia, she's coming down for awhile, come down with her while her family drops her off! ;P

    1. Haha oh thanks ;p Hmm I "met" Lydia over a group chat through a mutual friend recently, we've yet to meet in person lol :) Yeah actually I was thinking that things will be a bit different at home this year with you and Laura both away!

  2. They had a really good demonstration of two different breeds of dogs (can't remember what they were), and what their strengths are, how to train them, how to use them (!), and then the sheep shearing and the work involved in that, and the more "behind-the-scenes" (at least, for us city slickers!) work with separating sheep, etc. They had some volunteers go up to help. It was a lot of fun watching!
