Monday, October 24, 2022

Coromandel Getaway

A couple of weeks ago we took a break from our usual routines and Mum and I set out for the Coromandel with most of the children for a few days' change of scenery. We older sometimes head in different directions, always leaving Mum behind to keep things running at home. So this was her turn to get away for a few days and enjoy a change pace and perhaps some new experiences.

Two days earlier I had added some new and very cute little guinea pigs to the family, but sadly their housing didn't work out as planned so in the middle of all our packing we dashed off to the pet shop to purchase their very last hutch. Thereafter followed a quick assembly of the cage, and the piggies were moved into their new home to enjoy plenty of fresh grass while we left on holiday.

: : Picnic lunch en route : :

: : Found herself some antlers! : :

: : Our accommodation included a fireplace so woodchopping was top of the list to try : :

: : Story time with Mum : :

After our first night away, we pulled out our boots for a horse trek. Juliana had a wonderful time and wanted to take her pony with her in the back of the van afterwards :)

Looked at the glow worms for a bit, and then looked down into the water to find all sorts of things moving in the stream that we hadn't spotted during the day.

: : Playing with shadows : :
I was sitting on a swing and Bryce's torch made a huge shadow of me move across the trees. The top gets a bit lost here with the trees being a little too far away, but you can make out my feet at the bottom still. 

: : Found a camo tree : :

Life doesn't slow down for long though! Our first stop back in Auckland was a music concert the girls performed in.