Monday, April 06, 2020


"I thought that my problems were so bad
Until I saw all the things that they didn't have
It got me to thinking how can we complain
When they're living in a world where there's so much hurt and pain
They don't know if they'll ever see a brighter day
I thought I had problems until today"

It's easy to think our lives are filled with difficulty and problems . . . until we gain some perspective. 
It's hard to complain about queuing to enter a supermarket (instead of at the checkout), waiting a few minutes to enter the dairy, and not being allowed to sit in heavy traffic (with a manual car) when people on the same planet are dying of starvation, struggling to find clean drinking water, and being trafficked. 
When I turn my focus outward and away from myself, both around the globe and back through history, I quickly discover my life is nowhere near as bad as I first thought and most of my "problems" are really very trivial.

I Thought I Had Problems by Lawson Bates

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