Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Undaunted || Book Review

Just recently, I heard about this book and after some brief research decided it looked interesting enough to read. I added it to the list "Books to Read" that I keep on my phone, but it had me intrigued so I got hold of a copy relatively quickly! In Undaunted: Daring to do what God calls you to do author Christine Caine shares stories of her own life, memorably sharing truths through them and inspiring us that we too can do great things with our lives.

"God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called." ~Christine Caine

Christine knows firsthand what it is like to feel trapped, unworthy, and helpless. To be preyed upon by those she trusted. To discover suddenly that reality is different than she always believed. To see no path ahead, no way to go. She knows what it's like to be nameless, reduced to a number. But she isn't sitting at home wallowing in misery and self-pity. Instead, this Greek-Australian woman founded an international anti-trafficking organisation and travels the world speaking at many events. Christine learned to heal from the painful experiences in her life, and then turn them into opportunities for reaching out to others. In her book Undaunted, she shows us how to do the same.

When I picked up this book I wasn't familiar with Christine's story, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I found it to be well written, the stories flowing easily and drawing me in as a novel might. I caught myself guessing what came next, only to read on and find myself pleasantly surprised when the events weren't as predictable as I had imagined. But Undaunted isn't only a captivating story. We also are asked to draw truths and lessons from our reading and apply them to our own lives. I appreciated that this was useful, practical, and fit comfortably with the rest of the book. (Not just fluffy space-filler for the sake of having a book to sell as I sometimes feel!) Where Bibles verses were used, they were handled well, applied with understanding and relevant to the topic under discussion. I read this book in a relatively short time and finished feeling encouraged, challenged, and energised.

While some of the material is a bit much for younger readers, I would recommend Undaunted to a variety of older readers. Whether you're looking for a gripping story, a challenge, encouragement, or a reminder of God's redemption power, this would be a great book to read next.

You can get a copy here:

Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through them I will receive a commission, at no extra cost to you. I only link to products I've found helpful in my own life and think you will too.

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