Peer into the Past, the Manukau HomeSchool Support Group's annual history fair, was held on the last Thursday of term 2, 2011.
This year (er, last year!) I didn't feel particularly inspired about any topic for a project, so I just kept putting it off. About two weeks before the fair I realised there was no way I could do a project and keep up with all my 'normal' school work; I would have to take the time until the fair off my other work, so I could concentrate solely on my project. I decided I couldn't really afford to do that, so I didn't do a project. Consequently, I must have had plenty of free time, you say? Well, no, actually. On top of my school work (yeah that takes a bit of time!) I helped the others a bit with their projects (Jarrod, Monique and Danielle entered
this last year), and cooked the dinners for five nights or so before the fair, so Mum could concentrate on helping with the projects.
Jarrod did a project on Charles Upham, a kiwi soldier.
Jarrod with his project |
Monique's was entitled 'The Kauri Tree in History.' Her interest in the topic was sparked while we were on holiday in Dargaville in April, where we learned about the Kauri tree and gum diggers. She actually bought some Kauri gum somewhere there too! Monique's project received special interest because it was slightly unusual!
Danielle was very committed in her study of Harriet Tubman, and she titled her project "Harriet Tubman: Slave and Railway Conductor" (or, ah, something along those lines!)
Because I didn't have my own project that needed to be judged, someone volunteered me to spend half an hour in the kitchen, serving tea and coffee.
Why do I always look terrible in photos?!? |
I'm afraid I don't remember the exact times that things happened throughout the morning, but first of all after everyone had arrived and set up was the judging. There were separate
judges for each age group, and the entrants were judged on their presentation (board plus any extras like dressing up or props), content(?), and orally.
A bit later on the venue was opened to spectators, and 'Spot the Solution' sheets were given out. For this, each entrant had previously submitted a question from their project, and its answer, to Mrs Rakete. The questions are compiled together, and spectators go from project to project answering the questions. At the end of the day all the sheets are put in a box, and the person with the most correct answer wins a prize.
Before prizegiving, someone gives a speech on something historical. This year Mr. Johnstone spoke. I found his topic, a particular battle in the Crimean War, quite interesting, because it built on what I had recently learnt in Geography when I studied the Crimean Peninsula. He did well keeping the younger ones interested by getting many of the homeschool students to help re-enact a battle scene.
After Mr. Johnstone's talk came prizegiving. Every entrant from a particular age group gets called up, one at a time, and presented with his certificate. Once the whole age group is standing on the stage everyone claps for them and they are allowed to move off, and collect a chocolate bar.
The helpers (myself included, yippee!! haha) each received a note thanking them for their help, and a toblerone. We teenagers shared the toblerones among us. =)
Then we all cleaned up and went home!
All in all, it was a good day! Thanks Mrs. Rakete, for organising it again!
Bianca =)