Organised by Mrs. Rakete, Peer into the Past is the annual history fair for the Manukau Homeschool Group.Our family has enjoyed preparing projects to enter since Peer into the Past began (perhaps four years ago?), and although I didn't submit my own project this year, I did help my sister Diana (then 6 years) do one.
Her project was about Princess Diana (hmm wonder how/why we picked her! haha). I've had (too) much previous experience with putting projects together in the last two weeks before the fair, so this year I decided we definitely would not do the same! Weeks before the fair we checked some books out from the library and started reading them and writing the rough draft of the biography, which would be the centre of the project, around which everything else would come together.
We were doing quite well until about two weeks before the fair, when the rough (and only) draft, along with the main book we had been using, went missing. . . .
For a few days we just left it, in case it turned up like things often do with little ones around to put things in the last place anyone would ever think to look! It was somewhat painful, but in the end we did start over. Despite the setback, we still managed to be finished the project before Monique and Danielle finished their ones!! haha :P
On The Day

I had a bit of a mental list of things I wanted to do before went to the fair, but most of the things on it seemed to slip my head that morning (typical, huh?), the clock seemed to tick a bit fast (oh come on, there was a really long post on someone else's blog!!!), finally though Diana was up and had eaten breakfast. She changed into her costume and I curled her hair.
Once Jarrod had changed the tyre on the van we left for the fair.
Displays were set up and 'hellos' said before judging began. Oops I didn't realise I needed to tell the 6-year-old not to say "I don't know much"! Otherwise I think they were all okay with being judged. lol
Spectators arrived to view the many projects not long after, and 'Spot the Solution' (a quiz with a question from each project. You have to find the answer by reading the displays) started. {Diana and I won together this year - yay!! lol the prize was chocolate...}
Later on Mr. Rakete spoke on Maori history (with some more lively participation from the children at times), and then cam prize giving. All entrants receive a certificate, judges marking sheet (so they know what areas they did well on or need to improve), and a chocolate bar. Don't think any of my siblings won a prize this year but that's all good, we've won some before.
I think there were significantly fewer spectators this year, which was a shame. The day itself was good though and a lot of work had been put into the entries, mostly likely an indication that the entrants learnt a lot through the whole experience! :)
Anyhow this concludes my review of Peer into the Past 2012. Thanks for reading!
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: : Prize giving | ok maybe not the best photo, but I can't see any of my siblings an any of the other ones : : |