Friday, January 24, 2014

Recent Happenings

Recap of my Wellington adventure coming soon. :) In the meantime, here's a small summary of miscellaneous things we've done over the holidays so far.

I've posted a few photos from our house-rearranging, but here are a few more:

Yeah. It isn't half as spacious now :P

Bookcases in and wardrobe filled. We've raised the bar in the wardrobe a bit because some of the dresses were too close the the shoe rack. And we put in another shelf below that one ;)

Triple bunk set. It is more solid now and will be painted purple before it makes it to our room. Jarrod has been building it with some advice/guidance for our uncle (Uncle Paul) who's a builder.
My friend Bethany visited from Australia for a little while. It was three years since I last saw her and it was great to catch up but she has to stay longer next time :P Sadly the photojournalist in me is working part time right now. :/ So we took very few pics I'm afraid. We had a successful shopping expedition together, and Mum took us and another of my friends to a cafe in Devonport for dessert one night.

That's Bethany next to me, and the girl in the blue top is Alison. They're from the same church and came over together.
The end of this post. :P

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